The 10 Commandments of User Interface Design
A cool and useful infographic and article from Designmatic by Evan Brown on 27 April 2015, read it here. In summary: 1. Create a story 2. Streamline navigation 3. Make it responsive 4. Ensure accessibility 5. Form follows function 6. Use pleasant colour themes 7. Define font families 8. Boost optimised images 9. Master minimalism…
Are you ok?
雷军在印度发布会上飙英文 现场笑喷观众: “Hallo, how are you? Indian Mi fans, I’m werry happy to be in China… to be in India haha! Do you naik Mi, 4i. Do you naik Mi, Band. Okay, wey have a gift for everyone. Wey well… okay, okay. Wey well give everyone a free Mi Band. (Indian Mi fans cheering hysterically) Are…
Original article from 知乎日报 Zhihu Daily, by Liang Mudong 梁木东, 24 April 2015. – SZ 在图片上加字,如何确定该用什么字体、字体的颜色和放置的位置? 题主的问题同样困扰着我好久,过去我做排版都习惯用那些现成的设计素材,到后来我尝试直接选一张没有经过任何修改的照片用于排版时,我才知道“图片上配上文字”其实是一个很复杂的问题,因此我有一段时间将这个问题好好地研究一番。我去翻看各类设计网站大咖们的优秀作品、找时尚杂志和精品画册,但是我的目的不是想从中找到感觉,而是希望通过一个科学、严谨的方法来找到优秀作品之间的视觉规律,我写这个答案就是将这个过程分享给大家。不过本人还只不过是设计专业的学生,学艺未精,而且文笔还不好……因此解释这样一个复杂的问题的解答过程,肯定会有很多不足的地方,大家就作一个交流吧。 为本答案做一个导航图,证明这真的是一个很复杂的问题…… 1. 字体选择与字体组合方式 首先我挑选了一些我个人觉得不错的设计作品,根据这些作品的设计目的和最终效果,分为“A”、“B”两组。 A 组是“图片突出”,文字存在的目的只是粉饰这张照片而已。 B 组是“文字突出”,文字在图片的衬托下被重点突出出来。 然后将它们的文字部分“裁剪”出来,然后根据原本文字的样式以及文字组合方式,最后分组排列出来。 效果图如下: 可以看出这两组的字体之间差异很大的,在字体选择上: A 组的字体主要是现代等线体,笔画没有装饰。出现题材很广泛,大多数是一些商业图册上,或者用于衬托人物场景时尚气质的图片上。 B 组的字体主要是古典衬线体,笔画装饰强烈。多出现在传统、自然的以及一些抒情性很强的照片上。 在字体组合方式上: A 组的字体组合都被紧密地排列在一个无形的矩形里,在视觉上形成一个面。 B 组各个字之间松散地摆放组合在一起,在视觉形成一个个点。 其实可以这样去理解这两组字体在视觉心理的效果,见下图: 而造成这两组字体在视觉心理上的区别,这和一张摄影作品两个重要的元素有关 2. 主体物与视觉焦点 主体物的视觉焦点是摄影作品里的两个基本要素,因此在一张照片里通常会有一个突出的人或物作为主体。而其他例如在风景类摄影作品,照片里即使没有明确的主体物,也会存在一个视觉焦点。 一张摄影作品的主体物和视觉焦点是很容易看出来的,如下图: 为了展现“图片突出”的优秀设计作品里,文字部分与这两个基本要素的位置关系,同样做成效果图。分 C、D 两组展示。 C 组是文字部分与主体物的位置关系 D 组是文字部分与视觉焦点的位置关系 (C 组的深色块是主体物,D 组的白点是视觉焦点,白色块是文字。) 其实无需我多说,大家应该能从上面的效果图,可以大约地看出文字与两大元素之间的关系吧?我根据我的观察结论作一个整理: 如果把主体物看作是一个面,就不难理解在一个需要文字粉饰图片的作品里,字体之间会被聚集在一个面里,因为面元素的重复出现在一个画面里,整体画面就不会出现违和感,还能让文字和图片之间保持和谐统一。…
10 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier, Backed By Science
Face it, it’s tough to be a happy designer, even tougher to be a happy boss of a design firm. Or to be a happy man, father, brother, buddy, whatever for life. I recall as a college I used to like the book “Being Happy!” by Andrew Matthews, with lotsa anecdotes and illustrations in it.…
Looking At Tears Under A Microscope Reveals A Shocking Fact
Do you remember the last time you shed a tear of grief, a tear of joy, a tear of loss, a tear of hope, a tear of pain, or a tear of fear? No tears are the same. -KL Here’s a re-post of an amazing article from LifeBuzz, and credit to Rose-Lynn Fisher, a very…
20 Historic Tech Sounds You May Have Forgotten
The 70s’ infinite monotone at the close of the broadcasting day (you still get it in China and some places). The mysterious static and squeal of the AM/FM/SW radio tuner, the bleep-blop sound effect of Atari’s original Pong video game. The click-clack-ring of the Olivetti typewriter. The 70-80s’ clickety-clickety dial of the rotary phone (that’s why it’s called a…
5 Techniques to Have a Productive Day Everyday
It’s a spanking new year of the Snake, and a lazy start it better not be. If you have no time to read the full text, here are the five pointers in English and Chinese: 1. Well-begun is half-done 好的开始就是成功的一半 2. Spend more time in the shower 洗澡慢的好 3. Eat a proper breakfast 早饭要吃好 4. Stay…
When China Rules the World
Can you imagine – and resist – the possibility of China ruling the world one day, within or without your lifetime? And for our friends, colleagues and collaborators in China, aren’t you fascinated about the idea from the perspective of a current superpower? Do you think it’s pure sci-fi fantasy or a real possibility? Love…
Nian Burger for Chinese New Year, Anybody?
Burgers and fries for good old Chinese New Year? In China? Give us a break, Mac. The ‘Nian’ figure in the TVC, it’s ugly but it’s not adorable. So it’s not cute. If the purpose of the TVC is to provoke like Mac China claims, then it’s been acheived. But one thing’s for sure: No Nian…
Information Design In Use
A repost of Megan Patrick’s article on How Design Digest. We love Information Design. – KL New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) recently unveiled newly designed and simplified parking signs created in partnership with Pentagram Design. There’s nothing more confusing than a totem-pole of signs with conflicting information when you’re just trying to find a…