辞旧迎新岁 狂人新春宴
欢声笑语贺新春 狂人新岁步步高 春风入喜度佳节 平安如意年年好
When China Rules the World
Can you imagine – and resist – the possibility of China ruling the world one day, within or without your lifetime? And for our friends, colleagues and collaborators in China, aren’t you fascinated about the idea from the perspective of a current superpower? Do you think it’s pure sci-fi fantasy or a real possibility? Love…
Nian Burger for Chinese New Year, Anybody?
Burgers and fries for good old Chinese New Year? In China? Give us a break, Mac. The ‘Nian’ figure in the TVC, it’s ugly but it’s not adorable. So it’s not cute. If the purpose of the TVC is to provoke like Mac China claims, then it’s been acheived. But one thing’s for sure: No Nian…
过往的曾经,美丽的回忆 -MAD员工拍摄花絮 爱创意,爱设计,不爱平庸 爱阅读,爱摄影,不爱遗忘 拒绝大众,崇尚共鸣 有那么一点点执着,有那么一点点个性 不是什么小众,也不是什么大流 我们只为那一个个美丽的瞬间着迷 我们是自己精神世界的主人 我们是MAD "每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。"尼采的这句话告诉我们生命不是用来度过的,而是用来绽放的。 让我们为每一天,每一个美丽的瞬间,一起起舞。
Information Design In Use
A repost of Megan Patrick’s article on How Design Digest. We love Information Design. – KL New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) recently unveiled newly designed and simplified parking signs created in partnership with Pentagram Design. There’s nothing more confusing than a totem-pole of signs with conflicting information when you’re just trying to find a…
Some Uncomfortable Thoughts About Sagmeister & Walsh’s New Identity
Sagmeister is Kent’s favorite designer, all-time, then. Kent met Sagmeister at Visualogue: Icrograda Conference, Nagoya, Japan back in October 2003. Well they didn’t exactly meet – he attended his presentation. Among the sharing of many incredibly beautiful graphic (very graphic) design works was one topic that impressed: “Is it possible to touch somebody’s heart with graphic…
Farewell, Jeff!
MAD’s family shot before Jeff heads off to Shenzhen/Hong Kong to meet Tyler, then home to Singapore this Sunday. It’s been a mad, mad two years for Jeff in Shanghai, ain’t it? Till we meet again in March. From left: Stephanie, Vicky, Vivian, Nancy, Jeff, Kent, Chris, Zoe, Jane – KL
What Hurts More Than Failure
世界上最伤痛的遗憾不是失败,而是机会在你眼前你却视而不见。 It’s not doing it – when you know fully well you had the opportunity – that hurts far more than any failure. – IGNORE EVERTHING and 39 Other Keys to Creativity, Hugh MacLeod – KL
Welcome to MadAboutDesign’s Blog! Woot.
This is our first time too. MADsters roll your engines.